Hudson's at Hershey
If you’re headed to Hershey, Pa. for the AACA Eastern Fall Nationals this October, take the
opportunity to join your fellow Hudsonites at one of the H-E-T’s gathering places in or near Hershey.
The AACA flea market will run from Tuesday, Oct. 8 through Friday, Oct. 11 on the grounds and
parking lots surrounding Hersheypark and The Giant Center. The AACA car show itself will take place
on Friday.
The H-E-T hospitality and recruitment trailer will be parked in the flea market’s Red Field at space
RNE 24-25 for the full four days, from roughly 8:30 AM until 5:00 PM daily (or until noon on Friday).
There, Club members can enjoy donuts and fresh coffee, see old friends and meet new ones, renew
Club memberships, post messages on the bulletin board, and even store heavy Hudson parts behind the
counter for pickup later in the day.
Meanwhile, the Club has arranged for a block of 15 reduced-rate rooms at the Quality Inn, 1825
Harrisburg Pike, Carlisle, Pa. The rate is $ 89 per room, plus 11% tax. Members should reserve directly
with the motel at (717) 245-2242 and give the code “Hudson Automobile Club”. Reserve by Sept. 20
for the special rate. If you encounter any difficulties or rooms are sold out, please contact Jon Battle
(see below). The motel is located on Route 11, just east of its intersection with Interstate 81, (exit
52A/B). It is 30 miles west of Hershey.
A Hudson hospitality room will be open at the motel’s meeting room from 4 PM to 8 PM on Thursday
and Friday afternoons, with light snacks available.
On Thursday at 6:30 PM a dinner gathering will take place in a private room at Hoss’ Steak and Sea
House, 909 Walnut Bottom Rd., in Carlisle (located nine minutes from the motel.) Each party may
order off the menu separately. Please notify Jon Battle by Sept. 22 if you plan to attend (see contact
information below).
An all-Hudson flea market is planned at the Quality Inn parking lot on Saturday, Oct. 12 from 8 AM to
noon. No registration fee is required. However, the event depends entirely upon the weather and the
presence of parts vendors, so sellers and buyers may wish to contact Jon Battle (see below) before
planning to attend.
Finally, if you’d consider volunteering at any of the H-E-T’s Hershey activities, please contact Jon
Battle by Oct. 1 (contact information is listed below). We especially need people at the hospitality
room, and to help at the trailer, where they’ll welcome Hudson enthusiasts from across the U.S. and
around the world, recruit new members, and spread the word about Hudsons to those who have never
heard it. We can sometimes find room to display outstanding Hudsons next to the booth, allowing their
owners to park their cars right in the flea market. Contact us if you’d be interested.
Those with questions may e-mail Jon Battle at
before Oct 8 (or 703-986-8785 during the Hershey show).